
New Project for the NYU Bobst Library

I would like to use this project as way of rethinking the politics of knowledge - the Western interpretation of the East, and questioning on what extent does the Western knowledge of East helped us to understand the reality of the geopolitical region? Or, does this knowledge hinder further understanding between East and West?

Devicing details:

I am going to use books in Bobst Library to pile a 80cm high roadblock in each floor’s east wing entrance (4,5,7,8,.9th floor). All the selected books are titled with “oriental”, and will be sorted according to the color of the book cover. Each floor will have one single color book barrier. People have to stride over these book barriers to get across.

The 10th floor is Bobst’s East Asian Library. Books in this floor are in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Most of them are non-circulation. This floor’s structure is different from others. It is not a loop, only the north wing is open to student, and there is only one entrance to the north side room. According to this structure, the 10th floor will be devised with numerous books stack at the entrance, leavening a narrow space (25cm width) for people who want to get into the room.

